Jahova Yereh Mahima Prarthana Bhavan




Jahova Yereh Mahima Prarthana Bhavan at Madhya Pradesh




Madhya Pradesh

We have started our church in the year of …. There are families and some local members in our church. The local people/groups are attending our church regularly. The church starts morning at 11 AM on Sundays and in between there are different kinds of activities that take place at our church. Weekly prayer meetings are held on Fridays and Saturdays at the Church Itself. Where various things are been discussed by our church seniors, presbyters, and elders. Outreach evangelism programs are being conducted by the youth, sharing the gospel and distributing the tracks and in the evening time, we show films on Gospel messages. Once a month we conduct a fasting prayer and whole night prayer. Through this, we have also started another seven houses of fellowship in different places and surrounding villages. We Praise God for this faithfulness and for using us for spreading His glory upon people and for spreading his Ministry. We thank Lord for His grace upon us.

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